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24/07259 - Procurement of plug, globe and monoflange valves to M/R station LI. Torup

Single delivery of plug, globe and monoflange valves to M/R Station Lille Torup.

Place of delivery: DK-6040 Egtved, Denmark

Åbn udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 09-07-2024) Luk udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 09-07-2024)
Titel 24/07259 - Procurement of plug, globe and monoflange valves to M/R station LI. Torup
Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser med klar grænseoverskridende interesse
Opgavebeskrivelse Single delivery of plug, globe and monoflange valves to M/R Station Lille Torup.

Place of delivery: DK-6040 Egtved, Denmark
Annonceret 09-07-2024 kl. 14.00
Deadline 05-08-2024 kl. 12.00
Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne
Opgavetype Varekøb
Tildelingskriterier Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Link til udbudsmateriale http://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/408476
Ordregiver Energinet Gastransmission A/S
Udvælgelseskriterier The procurement procedure is below the threshold with clear cross border interests.

It is possible for all tenderers to submit a tender if the requirements for suitability (see below) are fulfilled.

The tenderer must via the EU-Supply system submit the below stated:

General information
The tenderer must submit a general description of the tendering company, including address, VAT-number and contact information for the contact person (phone number, e-mail and address).

If the tendering company wants to rely on the capacity of other entities regarding either “Economic and financial capability” or “Technical capability” it shall prove to the Contracting Authority that those resources will be available to it by delivering a commitment by those entities to that effect.

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request the tenderer to supplement, specify or complete the information submitted.

Economic and financial capability
The tenderer must submit the latest audited annual report for the tendering company including the following economic indicators:
• Equity (total equity incl. share capital, reserves, revaluation, retained earning etc.)
• Equity ratio (equity/total assets)

The following minimum requirement must be fulfilled:

• Equity in the latest audited annual report must be at least EUR 10.000
• Equity ratio in the latest audited annual report must be at least 20 pct.

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request the applicant to supplement, specify or complete the information submitted.

Technical capability
As a minimum requirement the tenderer must submit a list of two (2) similar and relevant references completed/delivered within the last 3 years. By “similar and relevant” means references demonstrating a deliverance of valves, equivalent to the ones set out in this tender and in the same amounts.

The references should include name of employer, contract period and a detailed description of the reference.

The applicant must only submit 2 references. If more than 2 references are submitted only the first 2 will be part of the evaluation.

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request the tenderer to supplement, specify or complete the information submitted.

Lodging of appeal
Appeals concerning this tender must be lodged with the Danish Complaints Board for Public
Procurement (Klagenævnet for Udbud) within the deadlines stated in the Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (klagenævnsloven), cf. section 7 of the Act on the Danish Complaints Board for Public Procurement (Act No. 593 of 02/06/2016).

Web-site: https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/

The tender must be submitted via Energinet’s procurement system, EU-Supply.

To get access to the tender material and to be able to submit your tender, please register your company/log into EU-Supply.

Please follow this link to be guided to EU-Supply:
Adresse Tonne Kjærsvej 65
CPV kode 42131000-6 - Haner, stophaner og ventiler
42131270-9 - Stophaner
42131390-6 - Ventilenheder
Udbudsform Andet
Kontaktperson Kirsten Ebstrup
Kontakt E-mail: procurement@energinet.dk
Telefon: +45 70102244