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8907 - Purchase of Anaerobic Chamber

DTU requires a custom vinyl anaerobic chamber with appropriate support. The measurements are fixed since we must use the space inside to position a robot. The custom measurements must be 260 cm L x 97 cm D x 102 cm H, while the system size should be 305 cm L x 105 cm D x 102 cm H. Besides the structure, other tools for creating and preserving the right air conditions are need-ed, precisely: a feedthrough adapter cable, a Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Column, a Recirculating HEPA filtration system, a Dehumidifier, an Anaerobic Gas Infuser, a Catalyst Box, and an Anaero-bic Monitor. Lastly, we need an incubator able to be regulated at temperatures up to 40°C. The measurements of the instrument should not occupy a lot of space, as it will also be positioned in-side the anaerobic chamber.

Åbn udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 26-03-2024) Luk udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 26-03-2024)
Titel 8907 - Purchase of Anaerobic Chamber
Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser med klar grænseoverskridende interesse
Opgavebeskrivelse DTU requires a custom vinyl anaerobic chamber with appropriate support. The measurements are fixed since we must use the space inside to position a robot. The custom measurements must be 260 cm L x 97 cm D x 102 cm H, while the system size should be 305 cm L x 105 cm D x 102 cm H. Besides the structure, other tools for creating and preserving the right air conditions are need-ed, precisely: a feedthrough adapter cable, a Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Column, a Recirculating HEPA filtration system, a Dehumidifier, an Anaerobic Gas Infuser, a Catalyst Box, and an Anaero-bic Monitor. Lastly, we need an incubator able to be regulated at temperatures up to 40°C. The measurements of the instrument should not occupy a lot of space, as it will also be positioned in-side the anaerobic chamber.
Annonceret 26-03-2024 kl. 14.30
Deadline 02-05-2024 kl. 12.00
Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne
Opgavetype Varekøb
Tildelingskriterier Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Link til udbudsmateriale http://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/397755
Ordregiver Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Adresse Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Kgs. Lyngby
CPV kode 38000000-5 - Laboratorieudstyr, optisk udstyr og præcisionsudstyr (ikke briller)
Udbudsform Andet
Kontaktperson Pia Blume
Kontakt E-mail: piabl@dtu.dk
Telefon: +45 93511388