Review af Globalt Fokus - Denmark
Background: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) seeks to undertake a review of Globalt Fokus following the latest review undertaken in 2018. Globalt Fokus is a membership-based national platform for Danish non-profit organizations (NGOs) and civil society partner of the MFA.
Objective: The objective of the review is to assess Globalt Fokus’ performance in delivering results in relation to its engagement with the MFA and adherence to MFA guidelines for financial management. The review is expected to generate findings and recommendations that will inform MFA’s on-going dialogue with Globalt Fokus.
Methods and outputs: The review will be based on a documentary review, physical meetings in Denmark in addition to remote interviews. No field visits outside Denmark are planned. The review is expected to produce the following outputs: a) a draft and final inception report, b) debriefing presentation of preliminary findings and recommendations, c) a draft and final review report including annexes.
Timeframe: The review will take place over a period of two months in May and June 2023.
Qualifications of consultants: Three consultants will be required for the review. This includes: 1) a senior civil society development expert, 2) a senior financial management expert, and 3) a junior consultant to work primarily with the senior civil society expert, who will be the team leader of the consultant team. All consultants must be fully fluent in English. At least the team leader and one of the other consultants must be able to read and understand Danish. The review will be led by a chief advisor from the MFA.
Budget: The maximum budget is DKK 650,000 excl. VAT.
Contact point: Evaluation, Learning and Quality
Name of Programme Officer: Kimiko H. Pedersen
E-mail address, Programme Officer: with cc to
Telephone of Programme Officer: +45 33 92 07 74