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Advertisement of a legal analysis on phasing out fossil fuels in individual heating

To find ways where Denmark as a Member States can limit and potentially phase out the use of oil in heating that complies with EU-regulation, the DEA hereby advertises the task of preparing a legal analysis. It would mainly concern – but not be limited to - the European Commissions’ Fit for 55 Package and the upcoming revision of the aforementioned Directives. The overall aim of the legal analysis is twofold: to support the DEA’s work to identify possible solutions within the current EU-regulation to limit the use of oil at national or European level, and to identify possible new ways forward in terms of suggestions to possible policy and legal recommendations to the EU regulation.

Åbn udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 13-04-2021) Luk udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 13-04-2021)
Titel Advertisement of a legal analysis on phasing out fossil fuels in individual heating
Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser med klar grænseoverskridende interesse
Opgavebeskrivelse To find ways where Denmark as a Member States can limit and potentially phase out the use of oil in heating that complies with EU-regulation, the DEA hereby advertises the task of preparing a legal analysis. It would mainly concern – but not be limited to - the European Commissions’ Fit for 55 Package and the upcoming revision of the aforementioned Directives. The overall aim of the legal analysis is twofold: to support the DEA’s work to identify possible solutions within the current EU-regulation to limit the use of oil at national or European level, and to identify possible new ways forward in terms of suggestions to possible policy and legal recommendations to the EU regulation.
Annonceret 29-03-2021 kl. 15.00
Deadline 16-04-2021 kl. 15.00
Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Tildelingskriterier Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Ordregiver Klima- og energiministeriets departement
Skønnet kontraktsum 300000 DKK
Udvælgelseskriterier See advertising conditions.
Adresse Stormgade 2-6
København K
CPV kode 85312320-8 - Konsulenttjenesteydelser
79111000-5 - Juridisk rådgivning
Udbudsform Andet
SMV venligt Ja
Kontaktperson Malene Boskovic
Kontakt E-mail: mlbc@ens.dk
Telefon: +45 33927434
Modtagers firmanavn Energistyrelsen
Adresse for modtagelse af tilbud Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 København V, e-mail adresse: mlbc@ens.dk
Åbn kommentarer til ændringer eller aflysning Luk kommentarer til ændringer eller aflysning

[13-04-2021 12:40:19]

1.1 The deadline to submit offers is on 16 April 2021.

All the deadlines in the table in section 8 of the Advertisement conditions are correctly stated and can be followed for guidance on deadlines.

1.2 As stated in section 4.3.2 of the Advertisement conditions, the main task involves delivery of a draft legal analysis, which shall be delivered no later than 31 May 2021. Furthermore, it is stated that the task of delivering a draft legal analysis has a budget of maximum DKK 200.000 exclusive VAT (approx. EUR 26.667) and is expected to take 180-200 hours.

The offers received by the DEA must therefore have a maximum price of DKK 200.000 exclusive VAT (with the hope that it is lower) and the task of delivering a draft legal analysis is expected to take no more than 200 hours of work. The DEA will not take offers with a price above DKK 200.000 into consideration.

Regarding the option, it is stated in section 4.3.2 of the Advertisement conditions that the option has a budget of maximum DKK 100.000 exclusive VAT (approx. EUR 13.333) and is expected to take 80-100 hours of work. The bidder shall therefore also give a price for the option, but the DEA will not take offers above DKK 100.000 into consideration.

The DEA notes that the contract will be awarded based on the best ratio between experience/qualifications and price.

1.3 The DEA will share relevant parts of the legal mapping and/or any relevant insight/report from the beginning of the assignment with the selected contactor.

1.4 As it is stated in section 4.3.2 of the Advertisement conditions, the delivery of a draft legal analysis shall be delivered to the contracting authority no later than 31 May 2021. After 31 May 2021, alterations to the draft legal analysis can only be done if the option is enforced. The contracting authority expects that it will be necessary to enforce the option.

Åbn tidligere version 29-03-2021 Luk tidligere version 29-03-2021
Titel Advertisement of a legal analysis on phasing out fossil fuels in individual heating
Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser med klar grænseoverskridende interesse
Opgavebeskrivelse To find ways where Denmark as a Member States can limit and potentially phase out the use of oil in heating that complies with EU-regulation, the DEA hereby advertises the task of preparing a legal analysis. It would mainly concern – but not be limited to - the European Commissions’ Fit for 55 Package and the upcoming revision of the aforementioned Directives. The overall aim of the legal analysis is twofold: to support the DEA’s work to identify possible solutions within the current EU-regulation to limit the use of oil at national or European level, and to identify possible new ways forward in terms of suggestions to possible policy and legal recommendations to the EU regulation.
Annonceret 29-03-2021 kl. 15.00
Deadline 16-04-2021 kl. 15.00
Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Tildelingskriterier Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Ordregiver Klima- og energiministeriets departement
Skønnet kontraktsum 300000 DKK
Udvælgelseskriterier See advertising conditions.
Adresse Stormgade 2-6
København K
CPV kode 85312320-8 - Konsulenttjenesteydelser
79111000-5 - Juridisk rådgivning
Udbudsform Andet
SMV venligt Ja
Kontaktperson Malene Boskovic
Kontakt E-mail: mlbc@ens.dk
Telefon: +45 33927434
Modtagers firmanavn Energistyrelsen
Adresse for modtagelse af tilbud Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 København V, e-mail adresse: mlbc@ens.dk