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Prequalification for a four year travel service proposal for DanChurchAid

The service is required for DCA staff travelling primarily overseas to and within developing countries, but also within Europe and to other overseas destinations.
DCA is a Danish NGO working with emergency and development projects in various developing countries, primarily in Africa, Middle East and Asia. We are supported by a wide range of donors such as EuropeAid, UNDP, Danida, DFID, ECHO, USAID/USDoS and many more. DCA book an average of 900 flight tickets annually and in 2018 for a total of 3.6 million DKK. DCA staff travel to a wide range of countries globally and complex destinations such as Misrata in Libya, Erbil in Iraq, and Goma in Democratic Republic of Congo. DCA require a high level of flexibility and services from the Travel Agent and at the same time meet requirements of cost efficiency and savings.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use https://permalink.mercell.com/118032874.aspx

Åbn udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 21-11-2019) Luk udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 21-11-2019)
Titel Prequalification for a four year travel service proposal for DanChurchAid
Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser med klar grænseoverskridende interesse
Opgavebeskrivelse The service is required for DCA staff travelling primarily overseas to and within developing countries, but also within Europe and to other overseas destinations.
DCA is a Danish NGO working with emergency and development projects in various developing countries, primarily in Africa, Middle East and Asia. We are supported by a wide range of donors such as EuropeAid, UNDP, Danida, DFID, ECHO, USAID/USDoS and many more. DCA book an average of 900 flight tickets annually and in 2018 for a total of 3.6 million DKK. DCA staff travel to a wide range of countries globally and complex destinations such as Misrata in Libya, Erbil in Iraq, and Goma in Democratic Republic of Congo. DCA require a high level of flexibility and services from the Travel Agent and at the same time meet requirements of cost efficiency and savings.
Tender is handled by Mercell Sourcing Services, use https://permalink.mercell.com/118032874.aspx
Annonceret 21-11-2019 kl. 14.15
Deadline 04-12-2019 kl. 12.00
Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Tildelingskriterier Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Link til udbudsmateriale https://permalink.mercell.com/118032874.aspx
Ordregiver DanChurchAid/Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
Adresse Meldahlsgade 3
København V
CPV kode 63510000-7 - Rejsebureauvirksomhed og lignende
63000000-9 - Hjælpevirksomhed i forbindelse med transport; rejsebureauvirksomhed
63515000-2 - Rejseservice
63516000-9 - Tjenesteydelser i forbindelse med forvaltning af rejser
Udbudsform Begrænset udbud (indkaldelse af interessetilkendegivelser/prækvalifikation)
SMV venligt Nej
Kontaktperson Krestina L. Africa
Kontakt E-mail: kaf@dca.dk
Telefon: +45 33152800
Modtagers firmanavn Mercell Danmark A/S
Adresse for modtagelse af tilbud https://permalink.mercell.com/118032874.aspx